Make sure that all notice requirements in your lease sync up with each other. When notice rules of one provision conflict with those of another, you run the risk of running afoul of notice requirements even if the notice you actually provide satisfies all requirements of the particular clause to...
Don’t sign a lease with a federal, state, or municipal government agency unless and until it gets all of the approvals necessary to enter the lease. If the approvals aren’t all in place, the signed lease may turn out to be void or voidable by the government tenant.
Going to court is an expensive, time-consuming, and stressful way to work out problems with your tenants. That’s why increasing numbers of landlords incorporate arbitration clauses into their leases.
A lease amendment is usually simpler and easier—but not always better.
Lease amendment or new lease? It’s easy to overlook the importance of controlling the mechanics of the renewal process. Consider the scenario where a tenant exercises its...
Offering any tenant rent relief is inherently risky.
Like so many landlords these days, you may be considering restructuring your lease to aid a percentage rent tenant that’s struggling to stay afloat. While avoiding a vacancy by helping the tenant stay...
A lease amendment is usually simpler and easier—but not always better.
Lease amendment or new lease? It’s easy to overlook the importance of controlling the mechanics of the renewal process. Consider the scenario where a tenant exercises its...