
Get 21 Legal Protections When Renting Space to Food Trucks

June 26, 2023    

Renting to a food truck is generally riskier than renting to an established business.


3 Ways to Protect Yourself When Trading Renewal Rent Breaks for Tenant Improvements

May 25, 2023    

Don’t get burned if the tenant doesn’t complete the improvements work.


Get 7 Protections to Avoid Getting Burned on Tenant Holdovers

April 26, 2023    

Holdovers can be a nightmare for landlords. When tenants don’t clear out after their lease expires, you may have to go to court to evict them. Meanwhile, the replacement tenant can’t move into the space and could end up suing you. Or, if you haven’t yet re-rented the space, the...

Provide for 5 Contingencies in Your Assignment/Sublease Clause

March 23, 2023    

Boilerplate leases don’t usually address these scenarios.


Offer New Uses Rather than Rent Cuts for Tenants Adversely Affected by New Laws

February 23, 2023    

Perhaps the only positive aspect of the COVID-19 shutdowns, at least from a commercial leasing perspective, is how it made landlords aware of just how dependent on their tenants they are. The real winners of the pandemic were the landlords that found a way to work together with tenants to adjust...

Get 14 Lease Protections When Letting Tenants Install EV Charging Stations

January 27, 2023    

Jump-start your leases to prepare for tenant demand and legal compliance.


With electric vehicle (EV) purchases on the rise, a new fixture has begun to appear in the parking lots of office buildings, shopping centers, medical facilities, and other commercial properties...

Make Tenant Complete Monthly Sales Report Form to Ensure Full Percentage Rent

December 22, 2022    

Percentage rent tenants are typically required to give landlords the monthly sales reports they use to calculate their percentage rent. All too often, though, the tenant provides only its gross sales figure—the amount on which percentage rent is calculated under the lease agreement. It...

Avoid 4 Costly Pitfalls When Allocating Lease Insurance Duties

November 29, 2022    

One of the few positives to emerge from the pandemic for commercial leasing was how it got landlords and tenants to set aside historical mistrust and work together for their mutual welfare and survival. While the pressing issue at the height of the COVID-19 crisis was restructuring rent...

Cut Losses on Office Tenants' Early Lease Termination

October 24, 2022    

Working from home and other post-COVID business realities have made many office tenants reluctant to sign a long-term lease. One way to overcome this is by offering tenants the option to terminate the lease early if the rent becomes unaffordable or the space becomes unnecessary. But while...

Get 7 Lease Protections When Making Tenant Responsible for HVAC Maintenance

September 23, 2022    

It costs a lot of money to maintain a heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. There’s also a lot at stake. Keeping the HVAC system humming is crucial to maintaining comfort, ensuring air quality, and, in some cases, preserving tenants’ stored inventory. Accordingly...

Get 12 Lease Protections When Allowing Tenants to Keep Pets at Your Property

August 29, 2022    

Pet rules in a commercial lease? At first, I thought this was a terrible idea for an article. After all, the vast majority of commercial landlords in the U.S. don’t permit pets on the property—to the extent they even consider the issue at all. And it was for that very reason...

How to Negotiate and Structure a Workout with Tenants in Default

July 20, 2022    

With a recession looming, commercial landlords and tenants may once again need to exhibit the flexibility they displayed to get through the COVID-19 pandemic. While helping tenants meet their rent obligations will be the first-choice approach, landlords also need to be prepared in case tenants...